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  • 2

    courses offered (B.Sc Physics, MSc Physics, Ph.D.)

  • 2

    Specialization Offered

  • 6

    Equipped Labs

  • 500+

    Dept. Library Books

  • 8

    Expert Faculty



The Department of Physics at Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology (SMIT), SMU was established in 1999 and it offers BSc Physics (Honours), MSc (Physics) and PhD (Physics) courses. BSc Physics (Honours) course is being offered from 2023-2024 academic session onwards. The department also provides fundamental courses to BTech first year students like BTech Engineering Physics, BTech Engineering Physics Lab. Computing lab of the department provides a supportive environment for honing programming skills in C, C++, Python etc. The department covers all major areas of physics. The MSc syllabus which is comparable with all leading universities / institutes caters to the intellectual aspirations of the students and they are exposed to the latest in the field. The students have the opportunity to take specialised courses of their choice (Particle Physics, Plasma Physics as well as Electronics). 


To emerge as a centre of excellence in teaching and research.
Mission Objectives
  • To impart high scientific temperament, academic excellence and contemporary research exposure in Physics.
  • To produce high quality physicists who can contribute to the development of science and technology and meet the present challenges and demands of the society.
  • To help the students to develop critical and creative thinking and problem solving skills.
  • To build an academically vibrant environment for learning and exchange of ideas and knowledge.
  • To impart in-depth knowledge to the students to help them achieve academic excellence and overall developments to meet the global standards.
  • To create an environment of active learning and effective communication and enable the students to acquire the recent advances of Physics.
  • To provide opportunities that will enhance the level of participation in research, dissemination and preservation of knowledge for both academic and social development.


Program Educational Objectives (M.Sc. Physics)
  • Educate the students to understand the metamorphic power of physical principles of the universe in solving scientific problems, experiments and technological development.
  • To help the students in for logical thinking and preparing for solving challenging problems with project based learning and professional ethics.
  • Guide the students for careers in physics and in the physical sciences at large.
  • To train students to be competent to face the academic challenges with a lifelong learning perspective and contribute to the development of the society.




Stream Specialization Interdisciplinary Courses Open Elective
  • Theoretical Physics  and  Computing.
  • Environmental Studies
  • Universal Human Values
  • Leadership and Behaviour Management
  • Applications of Computers in Physics


Stream Specialization Interdisciplinary Courses Open Elective
  • Plasma Physics
  • Particle Physics
  • Electronics Science
  • Computer Fundamentals & Programming
  • Physics of Nanomaterials




  • In 1999, the department has started its MSc program in Physics. 
  • Department is funded by DST- FIST programme. 
  • Number of sponsored Research projects completed from AICTE, DST and DRDO, Govt. of India. 
  • Organized National and International Conferences/Workshops/Seminar by the department regularly. 
  • Curriculum is designed to facilitate students in pursuing higher education in India and abroad. 
  • Curriculum in line with NEP 2020.
  •  Every student of the department is allotted a mentor to motivate them towards research through project based learning. 




High Energy Physics Plasma Physics Thin film
Energy devices Dusty plasma simulation Semiconductor Technology




Communication Skills Problem Solving
Critical Thinking Analytical Skills




  • Calcutta University
  • Rajasthan University
  • IIT, Kharagpur
  • Bose Institute, Kolkata
  • Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta
  • Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Calcutta
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
  • Tata  Institute   of   Fundamental  Research, Mumbai
  • Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai
  • Institute of Physics, Bhubaneshwar
  • Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar
  • VIT, Vellore
  • IIT, Ropar
  • Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)




  • Optoelectronics
  • String Theory
  • Nonlinear waves in Plasma
  • Experimental Plasma Physics
  • Dusty plasma simulation
  • Nano technology
  • Simulation study of nonlinear waves
  • Renewable energy devices



Click here to view the list of department equipments


Physics Department provides an inclusive and competitive atmosphere of excellence in teaching, learning and research with state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities

Dr Gobinda Chandra Mishra

HOD, Department of Physics



The campus has first-rate facilities like laboratories, workshops and practice school for hands-on learning. There are also cafeterias, and transport facility for students' ease.


This lab is to conduct some basics experiments pertain to General Physics, Electronic for M.Sc.(Physics).

List of major equipments:

Franck-Hertz setup, Dual Trace Oscilloscopes, Fourier analysis kit, Gama ray detector, Cosmic ray setup, Hall effect setup, Ultrasonic interferometer, Lattice dynamic kit, Heat Capacity kit, Four probe setup, Curie Temperature determination setup, Function generators, Power supplies of different ranges, Amplitude modulation& demodulation kit, Frequency modulation & demodulation kit, Pulse width modulation and demodulation kit, Pulse position modulation & demodulation kit, LCR-Q meter, LCD projector mounted in the lab.


This lab is to conduct some basics experiments on optics under MSc.(Physics) course.

List of Equipments:

He-Ne Lasers, Diode Lasers, Modern laser education kit, Solar cell characterization kit, Michelson interferometer, and contact bearing stage motorized XYZ, Fabry Perot Interferometer, Kit for polarization of light, Hydrogen spectrum setup, Opto-electronic Devices, Fiber Optics. Luxmeter.


This lab is to learn basic programming and programming of numerical technique, Simulation of electronic circuits for M.Sc.(Physics) course.

List of Equipments:

Desktop Computers loaded with window and Linux, PSPICE.


This lab is equipped with Photoelectric effect setup, Energy gap setup, Rectifier setup, Ultrasonic Interferometer, Hall effect setup, Diffraction Grating, Air Wedge, Newton’s Ring, Semiconductor and Zener diodes,Torsional Pendulum, Pohl’s Pendulum, Single Slit Diffraction Setup.
