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  • 11

    Faculty and Resident

  • MRI

    Philips Achieva 1.5 Tesla

  • CT

    Philips Brilliance 64 slice

  • USG

    Mindray DC-80 with 4D and Elastography

  • Digital X-RAY

    Philips Optimus 80




  • The department of Radio-diagnosis was established at inception of Central Referral Hospital in 1999. Over the years the department has grown exponentially and currently has various state of the art equipment’s i.e. 64 Slice Ingenuity Core Cardiac CT (Philips), high end 4D Color Doppler Ultrasound with shear wave Elastography, MRI 1.5T, 1000mA & 500mA Digital Radiography, Computed Radiography and Mammography.
  • The department is fully digital with PACS (Pictorial Archiving & Communicating System)


  • To provide high quality Medical Imaging and image-guided diagnostic and therapeutic services to improve the quality of life of our patients in a cost effective and safe manner, while educating our medical students and physicians in training.
  • Provide highest quality advanced imaging services.
  • Provide outstanding patient care and service.
  • Commit ourselves to academic excellence.
  1. Excellence in education of residents and medical students.
  2. Excellence in research.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          




  • MBBS
  • B. Sc (MIT)
  • Tranning on Fundamentals of Abdomino-pelvic Ultrasonography Level-1 for MBBS





4.5 Years


Tranning on Fundamentals of Abdomino-pelvic Ultrasonography Level-1 for MBBS

6 months


B. Sc (MIT)

3 Years



  • MD Radio-diagnosis




MD Radio-diagnosis

3 Years


PhD Program



  • Provides radiological services to all admitted patients as well as out patients attending various OPDs and Emergency Department of CRH.
  • The radiological facilities are provided round the clock.
  • Academic activities like formal lectures and practical teaching classes in the department for MBBS students are undertaken as per the laid down schedule.
  • Discussion with post graduate students is a regular practice. It mainly involves seminars, journals and unusual / interesting cases undergoing various radiological procedures in the department.


Equipment and Facilities:

  • 1000mA Digital Radiography - Philips Essenta DR Compact,
  • 500mA Digital Radiography – FUJIFILM FDR Smart f
  • Computered Radiography (Carestream)
  • 500mA X-ray machine with IITV – GE DX525
  • Portable X-ray machine - Brivo XR 115, Multimobil 2.5
  • Mammography - VISIMAM
  • Ultrasonography - Mindray DC-80 with 4D and Elastography, Philips HD11XE, Philips ClearVue 350 & Philips Affinity 70.
  • CT Scan - Philips Ingenuity Core 64 slice CT
  • MRI Scan - Philips Achieva 1.5 Tesla


I am proud that you intend to join SMIMS, which over more than a decade has created a niche for itself as one of the most sought after medical institution.”


Dr Muralidhar V Pai





  • MRI rotator cuff assessment in patients with Hemiplegic Shoulder Pain Syndrome.
  • Efficacy of placental shear wave elastography in predicting pregnancy induced hypertension in 11-14 weeks scan in Tertiary care hospital.
  • Role of Shear Wave Elastography of spleen in differentiating splenomegaly due to Chronic Liver Disease and other causes in Tertiary care hospital.
  • To evaluate the role of Multidetector Computed Tomography in differentiating benign and malignant bowel disease in Tertiary care hospital.
  • Comparative evaluation of TIRADS scoring and strain Elastography of thyroid nodules in Tertiary care hospital.
  • Comparative study of Ultrasound BIRADS & shearwave Elastography in differentiating Breast lesion in adult population in CRH, Manipal.
  • Comparative evaluation of NODE RADS scoring with shearwave elastography in adult population with cervical lymphadenopathy in CRH.





  • Pesona Grace Lucksom1, Annet Thatal2, Barun Kumar Sharma3, Golay Paden Bhutia4, Deepty Sinha5. “Mullerian Anomaly with Large Ovarian Mass — Where Two Worlds Collide.  Journal of the Indian Medical Association
  • Pesona Grace Lucksom1 · Mingma Sherpa1 · Barun Kumar Sharma1 · Deepty Sinha1. “Accuracy of Frozen Section and Clinical/Radiological Diagnosis with Final Histopathology of Pelvic Masses in a Teaching Institute with a Non‑oncology Setup, in Northeast India.  The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India
  • Kharka LV, Thatal A, Agrawal T, Sharma BK. Case Series - Caesarean Scar Pregnancy. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2024; 16(1); 1235-1239.
  • Sudhir Ranjan Prasad, Niraj Kumar Gupta, Bhaskar Jyoti Sarmah, B.D. Goswami. Comparison of Liver and Splenic Stiffness for the Prediction of Esophageal Varices in Chronic Liver Disease Patients Attending a Tertiary Care Centre. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2023; 15 (11);1054-1060.
  • Sudhir Ranjan Prasad, Niraj Kumar Gupta, Bhaskar Jyoti Sarmah, B.D. Goswami. Liver Elastography as a Predictor of Esophageal Varices in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2023; 15 (11);1048-1053.




  • Deb Boruah, Bidyut Gogoi, Kalyan Sarma2, Karuna Hazarika, Pallavi Gogoi, Barun K Sharma3, Binoy Singh, Pranjal Phukan, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Appearance of Giant Intracerebral Tuberculoma: A Retrospective Analysis. Acta medica Lituanica.
  • Hafizur Rahman,1 Ezzat Khalda2 “Adhesive Glue vs Subcuticular Sutures for Cesarean Section Skin Closure: A Double Blind Randomized Controlled Trial.  Eurasian journal of medicine  and oncology
  • Hafizur Rahman,1 Tanma Saikia2  Ezzat Khalda3 . “Comparative Evaluation of Efficacy, Safety, Cost Effectiveness and Acceptability of Ferric Carboxymaltose versus Iron Sucrose for Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Pregnancy: A Multicenter Open Label Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medicinal and chemical sciences
  • Hafizur Rahman,1 Ezzat Khalda2 “Adhesive glue versus subcuticular suture for cesarean section skin closure: A systematic review.  European journal of biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences


    • Pesona Grace Lucksom1*, Annet Thatal1, Zigmee Dorjee Tamang2, Barun Kumar Sharma3, Ezzat Khalda3, Mingma Sherpa4. Profile of gynecological malignancies after the start of gynecology oncology surgeries in Sikkim-experience from a tertiary hospital in North East India. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology.
    • Pranjal Phukan1 Kalyan Sarma2 Barun Kumar Sharma3 Deb K. Boruah4 Bidyut Bikash Gogoi5 Daniala Chuunthang1. MRI Spectrum of Japanese Encephalitis in Northeast India: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice
    • Deb K. Boruah , Karuna Hazarika , Krishna K. Borah , Halimuddin Ahmed , Barun K. Sharma.  Added Value of Three-Plane Multiecho Fast Field Echo MRI Sequence in the Evaluation of Acute Spinal Trauma Using Sensitivity: A Prospective Study. Cureus Journal of Medical Science
    • Abhijeet Bhatia, Pranjal Phukan1, Barun Sharma1,2, Goutam Polley.  Is There an Association between the Anteroinferior Cerebellar Artery Vascular Loop and Asymmetrical Sensorineural Hearing Loss?. Annals of Indian Academy of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
    • Pranjal Phukan1, Deb Kumar Boruah, Barun Sharma1, Bishwaeet Saikia, Donboklang Lynser, Binoy Kumar Singh. Endovascular Parent Artery Occlusion for Intracranial Aneurysms is a Viable, Cost-Effective Alternative: An Institutional Experience from Northeast India.  Acta medica Lituanica
    • Deb K Boruah, Hemonta K Dutta1, Kalyan Sarma2, Karuna Hazarika, Barun K Sharma3, Ananya Goswami4. Normative magnetic resonance imaging measurements of orbital structures in pediatric population of North-Eastern India: A retrospective cross‑sectional study.  Indian Journal of Ophthalmology
    • Pesona Grace Lucksom1 · Mingma Sherpa2 · Barun Kumar Sharma3 · Vatika Tiwari1. “Tunnel Clusters” an Unexplored World for Gynaecologists: A Case Report.  The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India.
    • Tsella Lachungpa1, Radha Sarawagi2, Sunitha Vellathussery Chakkalakkombil3 “ Comparison of MR Hysterography and Sonohysterography in Women with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: An Interventional Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 
    • Karma D. Bhutia1, Tsella Lachungpa2, Sangey C. Lamtha3.  “Etiology of obstructive jaundice and its correlation with the ethnic population of Sikkim.  Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care.



    • Rai A, Thatal A, Sharma BK, Narwat Y. Lateral placenta as a predictor for development of preeclampsia. Indian J Obstet Gynecol Res 2020;7(2): 216-221.
    • Khalda E, Mandal AK, Rahman H. Computed tomography features of benign adnexal mass lesions. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2020; 9:1011-6.
    • Gorky Medhi, Subhendu Parida, Patrick Nicholson, Satya Bhusan Senapati, Bimal Prasad Padhy, Vitor Mendes Pereira, Mechanical Thrombectomy for cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: A Case series & Technical Note. World Neurosurgery, Volume- 140, August 2020, Pages 148-161.
    • Gorky Medhi, Arun K Gupta, Jitendra Saini, Arvinda H Ramalingam, Hima Pendharkar. Pial arteriovenous fistulae: A clinical and neuro-interventional experience of outcomes in a rare entity: Indian J Radiol Imaging 2020;30:286-93



    • Rahman H, Khalda E. Assessment of quality of care provided at a tertiary hospital of Sikkim by patient's degree of responsiveness. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2019;8:3710-4.
    • Khalda E, Rahman H. Role of multi-detector computed tomography in the detection and differentiation of adnexal mass lesions. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2019;8:2725-31.
    • Anderson Chun On Tsang, I-Hsiao Yang, Emanuele Orru, Quang-Anh Nguyen, Roselyn V Pamatmat, Gorky Medhi, Yue Wan and Song Huang. Overview of endovascular thrombectomy accessibility gap for acute ischemic stroke in Asia: A multi-national survey. International Journal of Stroke, 0(0) 2019.
    • Shriram Varadharajan, Subhendu Parida, Gorky Medhi. Interventional Radiology in Sikkim, Northeast India. AJR:212, May 2019.