Support Research at Technical & Medical Campus

Central Instrumentation Centre - Technical Campus

Lat N 27o 10' 57.35568"

Long E 88o 30' 7.0434"

Lat N 27o 10' 57.08784"

Long E 88o 30' 6.95844"

Lat N 27o 10' 57.48744"

Long E 88o 30' 7.06572"

Lat N 27o 10' 57.44352"

Long E 88o 30' 7.245"

Lat N 27o 10' 57.63972"

Long E 88o 30' 7.01316"

Lat N 27o 10' 58.54008"

Long E 88o 30' 7.21188"


Central Instrumentation Centre - Medical Campus


Lat N 27o 18' 58.21884"

Long E 88o 35' 50.32464"

Lat N 27o 18' 57.96252"

Long E 88o 35' 51.00504"


Animal House/ Green House

Animal House at Medical Campus

Lat N 27o 19' 1.04592"

Long E 88o 35' 50.48628"

Green House at Engineering Campus

Lat N 27o 10' 54.72912"

Long E 88o 30' 14.7564"



Lat N 2719' 3.9738"

Long E 88o 35' 50.38296"

Lat N 27o 19' 3.79992"

Long E 88o 35' 50.40816"


Media laboratory/ Studios

Lat N 27o 11' 2.4216"

Long E 88o 30' 4.5972"

Lat N 27o 11' 2.2308"

Long E 88o 30' 4.3236"

Lat N 27o 11' 2.2992"

Long E 88o 30' 4.5216"


Centre of Excellence (CoE) for E-Mobility & EV in collaboration with  L&T EduTech


Lat 27.183864°

Long 88.502101°

Lat 27.183871°

Long 88.502093°

Lat 27183872°

Long 88.502075°


Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Blockchain Technology in collaboration with IDS

Lat 27.182478°

Long 88.501546°


Centre of Excellence (CoE) for 5G technology with support of DoT, GoI

Lat 27183065°

Long 88.501943°

Lat 27183065°

Long 88.501943°

Lat 27183065°

Long 88.501943°



Central Research Facility with support of iHub-IIT Roorkee - Cyber Physical System


Lat 27.183655

Long 88.501821



Lat 27.183851°

Long 88.502104°

Lat 27.183743°

Long 88.502171°




Lat 27.183886°

Long 88.502068°

Lat 27.183868°

Long 88.502096°



Open Air Theatre

Lat N 27o 10' 57.288"

Long E 88o 30' 10.836"

Open Air Theatre

Lat N 27o 10' 57.288"

Long E 88o 30' 10.836"