Central Library plays a vital role in furthering the academic mission of SMIMS and facilitates creation and dissemination of knowledge. The ranges of services offered by the library are comparable to the best of libraries. Besides holding an excellent print collection of over 13863 volumes of books and 117 Indian & Foreign journals. The library continued to offer its services to students, medical professionals, faculty members and staff to 3160 members from SMIMS. SMIMS Library has a remarkable collection of digital documents both in physical and virtual forms and also and also an organized Digital Library providing effective information support to the users. The library has made a significant progress during October 2014
Collection building is one of the important functions of the library that supports academic and research work of the students, faculty, staff and other users. Library collection comprising of books, journals, theses, reports, standards, pamphlets and other reading material in medical science, Nursing, Physiotherapy, technology, humanities, social sciences and management is considered one of the best in the country and is its greatest asset. The total collection of library as on October 2014 stands as follows:
Central Library has its own homepage on intranet (http://smuerp/smimslib/index.html)and provides web-based access to its resources. It procures over 233 e-journals and databases.
The EPAC is one of the most used databases of the library and is accessible 24x7 via library web page. Besides listing all the documents available in the library. Its indicates status of a particular book. EPAC is searchable by author, title, subject and several other fields.
On working days from 09:00 A.M. to 09:30 P.M.
On Sunday from 09:00 A.M. to 01:00 P.M.
Reference, Consultation & Circulation
Reference service helps users to make full use of library resources and services. It provides necessary assistance to users in locating information or document of their choice.
Printing, Scanning and Photocopy service
Information Alert Services
The library continues to alert the users about the latest information of their interest by:
- Additions, new arrivals
- News items display
- Useful articles Display
- Faculty publications display
- Display of Scholarship and fellowship information
- Display of Forthcoming conferences, other national and international events, employment
- Opportunities and prospectus of foreign universities.
Librarian- Mr. Rajnish Trivedi
And the library has a team of talented and dedicated officers and staff who perform their duties exceptionally well, and are always appreciated by our users for their intelligence, enthusiasm and honesty with which they serve them.